If you already have Confident Deceptions, you’ll know what to expect. These notes include five powerful and practical effects that hit hard.
Game Changer: A simple game played between you and your spectator. You end up winning the game in an unbelievable way!
Lucky Charms: A folded card shown at the beginning of the effect (that stays in view the entire time) turns out to be the spectators signed selection.
Nick of Time: Find 8 cards in 60 seconds. One of the most powerful and suspenseful effects you’ll ever perform.
Standing Out: A powerful anytime / anywhere effect showcasing flourishes and your ability to locate any four of a kind.
A Numbers Game: Ladanye reinvented ACAAN and gave the effect purpose! Now the effect showcases your ability to cheat in a card game at a level your audience won’t believe!
Weight | 5 oz |
Dimensions | 8.5 × 11 in |
Select | Posted, PDF Download |
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Copyright © 2024, Card Magic by Jason LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Stephen O –
These look awesome, can’t wait to sit down and work on them later!
Matt Chambers –
“Top-Shelf Notes” is the perfect release to follow “Confident Deceptions”. Reading these notes just makes me even more eager for the next release. Jason’s work is absolutely brilliant. The only thing I didn’t like (sarcasm of course) about the notes is that they did unfortunately come to an end!!! Didn’t want to stop reading this material. Highly recommended. – Matt
Tom Duffy –
“Just like a high-end scotch, Top-Shelf Notes delivers on every aspect. Game Changer starts as a friendly betting scenario with a finish the audience will never see coming. Lucky Charms is a routine of beauty, it’s method subtly layered leading up to a reveal that can only be concluded as being impossible. Nick of Time quite literally will keep people on the edge of their seats throughout the entire performance, while Standing Out provides a very visual “magician-in-trouble” effect. A Numbers Game (Jason’s version of A.C.A.A.N.) is not another of the dozens of takes on this theme; it is a three phase, truly top-shelf alternative take which will leave the audience either speechless or talking about it all night.
Just like his debut book, Confident Deceptions, Top-Shelf Notes is, from start to finish, full of amazing, deceiving, and shocking routines that can be performed in any situation. For him to sell such high end content at this low of a price makes these notes a steal.” –Tom Duffy
Christopher Harrop –
Anyone who has read Confident Deceptions by Jason, will already know what to expect from his latest publication, Top-Shelf Notes. It’s another fine example of just how talented Jason is. The effects are all practical real-world workers and you can tell that Jason has performed every effect he teaches. Each explanation is clear, concise, and easy to follow. So grab a glass of your finest whiskey and sit down for an evening of learning some exceptional magic. -Christopher Harrop
Tony Cabral –
“I like top-shelf quality. The material in Jason’s Top-Shelf Notes is just that. It’s practical, strong, thought-out, and damn near bulletproof. If you’re looking for solid working card material, order up.” -Tony Cabral
Pascal El-Hakim –
“For all of you who are in love with the real work, Top-Shelf Notes is miraculous. Jason’s debut Confident Deceptions was a five-star hit. Top-Shelf Notes offers the same type of material! Each effect is extremely clean. Jason’s material is such that if you were out at a bar and someone handed you a deck, you could pull off a professional, unforgettable, magic show! My advice is to get yourself a copy, lock your door, and start learning something strong!” -Pascal El-Hakim
Grzegorz Niczporuk –
“It is presentation which lifts the card trick from the level of the commonplace puzzle to the status of an unforgettable and inexplicable mystery.” -Jean Hugard
“With his brilliant debut, Confident Deceptions, Jason Ladanye has showed us how strong magic should look like. Now he’s back with new release, lecture notes “Top-Shelf Notes”. Mentioned release contains five strong and commercial effects that will convince anyone that you can do everything with cards. If you have Confident Deceptions you already know what to expect – top-shelf quality magic. To make a long story short – buy Top-Shelf Notes – it’s a must have!” -Grzegorz Niczyporuk
Harley Salas –
Jason’s first book, “Confident Deceptions” was my favorite book about magic, ever. Though most of it isn’t for beginners, it’s all commercial, deceptive, CLEAR, and every trick packs a huge punch for laymen AND magicians if they’re not “in the know.” If you haven’t purchased his book, I HIGHLY recommend it. The explanations are clear, the production quality is spectacular and it even comes with a DVD featuring Jason himself performing 5 of the effects that are in the book.
I received Jason’s “Top-Shelf Notes” recently and I wasn’t too sure what to expect. With the 18 hard-hitting masterpieces in “Confident Deceptions” just two years ago, surely I thought that had to be all of his A-list material. Man was I wrong. Jason has done it again. “Top-Shelf Notes” features 5 all new tricks, non of which are lacking in the department of creativity, deceptiveness, and serious impact. “Nick of time,” one of the “Top-Shelf Notes” effects is absolutely one of my favorite tricks, ever. It has a direct approach, you tell the spectator exactly what you’re going to do, then say that you’re going to go even farther than that all within 1 minutes time… As the clock ticks, getting closer to the mark, suspense naturally builds within the effect, and just when the audience thinks you’ve run out of time and that there’s no way you’re going to accomplish what you said you are, it smacks them right in the face with SO much impact. I won’t go in to much detail of what this trick actually is because I want it to be a surprise… From now on when I need that one trick to land me a gig or if I only have time to show someone one trick, THIS will be the trick that I do. I’m confident that it’ll floor anyone that doesn’t know it.
Student of Darwin Ortiz, Jason Ladanye is sometimes ridiculed for having too many “Darwinisms” and I think that’s something people need to absolutely drop. Darwin is a master showman and once you watch and learn something so perfect, so clear, and flawless, I could never imagine wanting to be any less clear and direct with my presentations because THAT is the “Darwinism” people are talking about. They share a common interest of gambling, card magic, and cons; who doesn’t like those things? I imagine most of us do. Jason is being himself and performing things that he likes while implementing the truly great showmanship of Darwin Ortiz. If you give him a chance and check his material out, you too will realize that Jason truly has a mind of his own that in and of itself is truly gifted. As a creator, and performer, Jason has a huge future ahead of him, that I have no doubt. I can only hope that one day people will be able to respect me as much as people will respect him.
Gary –
Straight forward, here it is, quality. If you want to add 5 top notch routines, here they are.
Michael C. –
These effects are amazing. I had Confident Deceptions and I loved it. Any of these effects in these notes could have been included in Jason first book. Great routines.